Friday, September 14, 2007

Silly Picture and an Addendum

This picture is not my work. Yes, that's my little twink hunter in the shot. Yes, that's Anachronos from just outside the Caverns of Time in Tanaris. And yes, this is Orgrimmar. You might be able to find Thrall there somewhere too. Anyways, that's the result of kiting as performed by a hunter whose name escapes me. One day I'll be able to do this too. For now I practice and read hunter blogs. We're getting there, of course, because I don't want to a silly "huntard" people are afraid to group with.

Now for the addendum. After reading my last post (slightly more rested today), I realize it seems a little sad. Some might wonder if we're saying mages should ignore placing large amounts of DPS on a target and focus solely on crowd control. That is nowhere near the case. What we are saying is with all the classes who can DPS push in on the mage's domain and that there should be some focus on CC. You can do it better than anyone in nearly every situation, so why not do it?

For instance, even though my slots are often filled by hunters and warlocks (mostly), I rarely do poorly on damage meters. In 20- man + raids, I think my worst finish is #8. Please note this is with a DPS- limiting frost build while also providing CC and de- cursing. I worked long and hard to control my aggro generation while placing the maximum amount of damage on target over an extended amount of time.

Maybe next time I'll post "Zball's Guide to Your Jobs as a Mage in a Group." Hint, it's not just DPS.
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