Friday, December 7, 2007


Let me focus on something fun. As you can see from the header, Hunter Kaliili is now level 70. Her gear is a mess, which is none too surprising considering every fresh 70 is a mess. But it works.

I respecced her from SV at level 66 because, and this is the kicker, someone "said my pet could tank Underbog." No lie. I said I'd give it a try until they got a real tank and to give me a few minutes. Rosetta (formerly Shy-Rotam) gets new talents, Kali specs BM and we're off.

The first two pulls were utter disasters. My inexperience with the spec and anxiety combined with the inability of Rosetta to keep aggro from that shaman made for a rough time. Still, she tanked Quagmirran admirably. That was something I never thought I'd do. I had to keep sending and recalling her when the mushrooms came all the while running around in circles around that platform and DPSing (which, since I was marking, trapping and tanking was... an experience). I did find them a tank though and mercifully called that experiment to an end.

But since I'm cheap I never specced back to SV. My thoughts? "I've never done it before and I'd like to try. Besides, BRK says good things about it." That's right. A few changes to tweak it to my liking, but still a workable build.

I'll post some PvP stuff later (because I have a lot of stories) and tell about how one draenei hunter saved an Old Hillsbrad run from certain doom.

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alibaba said...
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