Sunday, February 3, 2008

Too Much Lovin'

Last week I found out my guild leader and her wife were taking a break from WoW. This made me a bit sad because more awesome people I have yet to meet. They had just recently leveled their first 70s and I got to see them do it (and help now and again). Of course the fact that they made up part of my 3v3 and 5v5 Arena team didn't help.

Then I found out my 2v2 partner was taking a break as well. She's a sweet little enhance shammy named Iroha. I like talking with her and we just have an utter blast killing things (and being killed). She said she was leaving. I was a sad panda. And, on a completely selfish note, it would've totally erased any chance I had at getting some Arena points.

But Iro said she was going to stay a while. This makes me a happy camper, even if my play time has been severely cut into as of late. At any rate we've managed to bring this 2s team up to a hair over 1300. Yes, up. When Iro and I joined the team was ranked 1011. Seriously. And while we don' take it or ourselves seriously, it's nice to be able to do better.

And we did a few matches. What were they like? Something like this.

1 - Shammy/ warrior in BEM. An aside: I hate BEM. A lot. At any rate, trap the war and we go to work on the shammy. I nub it up, break my trap and the warrior proceeds to pound Iro into a pulp. We almost had it except I dropped out of LoS on the shammy and Iro missed a shock. Shammy heals to full and we get polished off easily. 0-1

2 - Mage/ no- show. Yeah. It was a race to see how quickly the squishie would die against us. 1-1

3 - Warrior/ pally. Ruins. Another aside. Ruins is my favorite. My ]scorpid (Mishaizi) on the pally, Viper Sting on the pally while Iro and I start working the warrior. I see my scorpid crit a few times and my multi- shot crits the pally too. Drop an Aimed Shot on the warrior and switch targets to the pally. He hadn't blown his bubble yet and there's no way we can hurt two plate- wearers. Pally almost dies, bubbles so we go back to the warrior. Bubble wears off, I down the pally while Iro does the right thing and pulls the warrior out of LoS. Pally dies hard and I rush over to help her. I get a couple hits before she goes down. Drop trap, Intercept, I laugh and start moving. Wingclip, Concussive, Serpent Sting, traps, go OOM. Switch to AotV and keep going (because I was a nub without mana pots). Iro's yelling over chat "Kite him! Kite that elf!" So I do. 2-1

4 - Warrior/ Shammy. BEM. Same team. This time we do worse. 2-2

5 - Mage / Rogue. BEM. Remember the solo mage? Yeah. She brought her partner this time. Have I mentioned how much I hate this arena? Regardless, we wait, mage dies on the bridge before her partner can steath up to us. Not smart. We wait for the rogue, so I mount up. He interrupts my summon. Perfect. Pet + Enhance shammy + Bloodlust + TSA + MM hunter = a smear who was once a rogue. Perfect way to end a day. Since we already had more than our ten for the week, we call it. 3-2 and a slightly higher rating than when we started. Go us.

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